Wednesday, October 14, 2009

zero motivation

The engine in montgomery city was a bust. Kenny wasn't exactly truthful about its condition.

Things I do not understand: it's or its? i look it up almost every time i use it but, at the same time, I know... wtf?

The 968 chassis is amazing. The owner is in no rush so I have time.

The 924SE engine is out, on a stand, and apart in my garage. The cylinder walls aren't scored. Now what? Do i rebuild it?

My mind has seized. Not an original thought, idea, or action in weeks. Awful, really.

Did I tell you about BBQ alligator on the banks of the mississippi near the uss inaugural? that wasn't weird at all. Soulard market was amazing (I've never been.)

Open bar at the science center? yes.

Scored a set of used struts/shocks for Marcie super cheap.

Primer == my new favorite movie.

Marcie (the E36) had a bad week. Fuel pump died an ugly death. I removed the back seat and was able to keep her running by banging on the pump with a pry bar while driving. Not the safest thing on 44 during the morning rush.

Missing 2 shows because they sold out is dumb.

Working 2 jobs is dumb.

2 irish whiskey hangovers in 2 weeks is not dumb.

2 spaces after punctuation is dumb.

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